Functional Calisthenics Workout Plan

Remember when you were a kid and you were swinging on the monkey bars, doing cartwheels and handstands, and just having fun?
It might sound crazy, but you can have that same fun through calisthenics! Calisthenics encompasses all of those activities and allows you to do cool and fun “tricks” with your body, and get a workout in at the same time! Why let the kids have all of the fun?
Come see how fun calisthenics can be by taking a class with us and being a “kid” again. You’ll be surrounded by an energetic, uplifting community and trainers that will help you achieve greatness through fitness. We’re all kids at heart so give it a try!
Want to See What This ACTUALLY Looks Like in Practice?
CLICK HERE and we’ll send you a FREE Beginner’s Guide to help you get started.
Or come to Mekanix and we’ll take you all the way through it. Schedule a FREE strategy session here: