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Fire and Ice Therapy

Something has unmistakably changed. Typically, when hot weather arrives and the pool temperatures climb to 83 degrees and higher, I struggle with overheating. . . Apparently, there’s been a significant shift in my physiology. The only thing I can think of that would have increased my hot and cold tolerance is my regular Fire and Ice sessions over the past year.
David Guthrie

Want the ultimate mental and physical relaxation?

Trying to address inflammation or muscle soreness, or speed up recovery from an injury?

Chasing after better sleep?

Fire and Ice at Mekanix is an immersive recovery experience that involves alternating between ice bath and sauna. Even the most skeptical participants are amazed at how good they feel mentally and physically after the hour-long class.

Benefits include: Reduced Stress; Muscle Recovery; Boosted Immunity; Increased Metabolism; Reduced Inflammation; Improved Circulation.

Read more below!